April 15, 2003
Getting Pacman DONE!!!
To implement enough features for pacman to be depolyable on a cell phone
Coding related
Benson Fung
Tao Wang
Neil Patel
Damien Edwards
Yanli Tong
Trevor Donarski
Goals Accomplished and Ongoing
- Pacman has 3 lives. When he dies the 3rd time, the user is brought back to
the introduction screen. Done. (Benson)
- Pacman can eat power pellets and becomes invincible. The invincibility
needs to wear off (aka, a timer needs to be implemented). I forget if ghosts
get killed, but when pacman eats ghost, they should get killed.
- IntroScreen menu and transitions: decided to change the design of control,
ie. everything should transprie between the intro screen menu and the
gamecanvas. (Yanli)
- Screen width fix to support multiple phones. (Tao)
- Testing: fixed the test cases from last week, now have 6 total test
methods and all run as expected. (Neil, Damien)
Left ToDo
1. Timer for Power Pellet to wear off
2. pacman death sequence and a game over (instead of jumping back to introscreen
right away, or says game over on intro screen)
3. Screen width fix to support multiple phones (this could be tough, Tao is
working on it, and probably 2 other people should also)
4. Scoring and Lives Display on the game screen.
5. Get Test cases and analysis of those for each week
6. Get Metrics and analysis of those for each week
7. Check our documentation
Next meeting: